Genus: Populus

-> Family: Salicaceae -> Group: Angiosperms

Characteristics of the genus:

  • leaves are simple, alternate
  • dioecious woody plants
  • the flowers are in pendulous catkin-like inflorescences, developing before   foliage
  • the fruit is a capsule
  • the seed is a fluffy achene
  • poplars belong to fast-growing trees and to the group of soft deciduous trees (similar to willows)


From the point of view of systematics, poplars can be classified into five sections:

  1. section Leuce  – white poplars and aspens (Populus alba, Populus tremula, Populus x canescens)
  2. section Aigeiros – black poplars (Populus nigra)
  3. section Tacamahaca – balsam poplars
  4. section Leucoides – large-leaved poplars
  5. section Turanga – shrub poplars