Genus: Pinus

-> Family: Pinaceae -> Group: Gymnosperms
  • evergreen trees (but also bushy individuals)
  • needles grow in bundles of 2-5 on short brachyblasts (shortened twigs)
  • fruit is a cone with woody seed scales , which are finished with a label from which it grows ± pointed navel
  • cones are growing for the second year
  • an economically important genus consisting of more than 100 species that grow in the northern hemisphere from the Seser forests to the subtropics
  • Slovakia originally has three species:
  1. Pinus sylvestris
  2. Pinus mugo
  3. Pinus cembra

Pines are divided into two sections according to the number of needles on the brachyblast and the location of the navel on the labe into:

  1. Pinaster - 2 to 3 needles on the brachyblast, the navel in the middle of the label, the pinaster section is further divided according to the number of needles on the brachyblast  into two subsections:
    1. Pinea - 2 needles on a brachyblast, to the best-known representatives of the subsection belong:
      • Pinus sylvestris
      • Pinus mugo
      • Pinus nigra
      • Pinus banksiana
      • Pinus pinaster
      • Pinus pinea
      • Pinus heldreichii
      • Pinus halepensis
    2. Taeda - 3 needles on the brachyblast, among the most famous representatives of the subsection Taeda, which can also be found in parks and arboretums in Slovakia, we include, for example:
      • Pinus ponderosa
      • Pinus Jeffreyi
      • Pinus rigida
  2. Strobus - 5 needles on the brachyblast, the navel is on the lower edge of the label, this section includes:
  • Pinus cembra
  • Pinus sthiana
  • Pinus peuce
  • Pinus armandii
  • Pinus aristatarobus
  • Pinus wallic
  • Pinus parviflora

