Species: Salix hastata L.

(Salix hastata L.)
-> Genus: Salix -> Family: Salicaceae -> Group: Angiosperms


  • shrub 0.5 - 1 (1.5) m tall, straight to recumbent
  • trunks are with a diameter of up to 3 cm
  • with ascending branches


  • annual branches (annual growths) are brownish, curly hairy only at the top and in the axils of the buds

Leaves (assimilation organs)

  • leaves are simple, 3.0 - 7.0 x 1.5 - 3.5 cm in size, elliptical to inverted ovate, rarely oblong, rounded to slightly heart-shaped at the base
  • the edge of the leaves is slightly serrated
  • the upper side is dark green, the lower side is yellow-green to gray-green
  • the vein  system is reticulate, pressed in from the top, protruding from below, the central vein is strikingly yellow
  • the petiole is short (3 - 8 mm), the bracts are developed, perennial, obliquely heart-shaped, glandular-serrated, fall off at the same time as the leaves


  •  Dybonomous wood
  • flowers are catkins

Fruits – seeds

  • the fetus is a capsule


  •  Northern Eurasia, Central Europe and islets in the mountains of southern Europe and southern Siberia
  • in Slovakia, it is most abundant in the Belianske Tatras, more rarely in the Great Fatra, Low Tatras, Western and High Tatras
  • it occurs mainly on springs, damp rubble, in karsts, in the montane to subalpine stage from 1,400 m above the sea level to 1,800 m above the sea level (max. 2,050 m above sea level Zdiarska vidla).


  • it grows on moist, mineral-richer, stony soils, rather on basic substrates


  • in the environment in which it grows, it fulfils the function of a pioneer, melioration and water management tree species
  • protection – it is a legally protected species
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