Species: Populus alba L.

(Populus alba L.)
-> Genus: Populus -> Family: Salicaceae -> Group: Angiosperms


  • a massive tree growing to a height of 30 - 40 m
  • crown broadly ovate, branches thick
  • bark smooth, white-gray to greenish-gray when young
  • in the central part there are distinct rhombic lenticels
  • at the base there is a coarse, longitudinally cracked, dark gray to blackish bork
  • belongs to the Leuce section - white poplars and aspens


  • arranged in a spiral, conical to ovate-conical
  • leafy  buds 4 - 5 x 3 mm large, floral ones are larger
  • shell scales are multiple, light brown dense white tomentose


  • oval, olive green, dense white-tomentose
  • on older twigs, there is numerous formation of brachyblasts

Leaves (assimilation organs)

• leaves are simple, pinnately lobed

• broadly ovate on macroblasts, 6 - 10 x 6 - 11 cm in size, 3 to 5 lobed

• the edge is irregularly cut out

  • elliptical to round on the beards, lobes are shallow, margin is irregularly toothed, 4 - 7 x 3 - 4 cm large
  • young leaves are white tomentose on the top, later balding, dark green, glossy
  • leaves are densely white to grey-tomentose underneath
  • the stalk is 2-3 cm long
  • the leaves themselves are stiff - leathery
  • the leaves are generally quite variable in shape and signs


  • dioecious tree species
  • in catkin-like inflorescences
  • bloom in III - IV before the leaves develop

Fruits – seeds

  • the fruit is a capsule, the capsules are arranged in lamb-like fruits
  • ripens in May
  • the seed is a fluffy achene
  • reproduces only from seed !


  • Southern and Central Europe
  • in Slovakia, lowlands, flooded areas along larger rivers, floodplain forests
  • ascends to about 500 m above the sea level.


  • light-loving and thermophilic woody plants
  • it requires mineral-rich, deep and moist soils with flowing groundwater
  • it creates two ecotypes:
    1. floodplain – in floodplain forests around large rivers
    2. forest-steppe - growing on forest-steppes and sands, often only as a shrub


  • wood is used to make cellulose
  • soil protection, soil consolidation
  • also as a park tree

From history

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