Species: Salix phylicifolia L.

(Salix phylicifolia L.)
-> Genus: Salix -> Family: Salicaceae -> Group: Angiosperms


  • shrub about 1 m high, short-branched


  • buds are light brown, conical, almost bare
  • floral ones are larger, ovoid


  • shoots are maroon brown, shiny, bare

Leaves (assimilation organs)

  • leaves are simple, elliptical to elongated-ovate (almost to elongated inverted-ovate), 3.5-8 x 1-3 cm in size
  • sparsely glandularly toothed along the edge (sometimes almost entirely, marginal)
  • dark green, glossy, grey-green to whitish on the underside
  • the veining is distinctly reticulate, the stalk is 7-10 mm long
  • the bracts are small, lanceolate, almost deciduous


  • dioecious tree species
  • blooms in V –VI

Fruits – seeds

  • the fruit is a capsule
  • seed - fluffy achene


  • Willow is naturally distributed in the northern part of the Eurasian continent, to the east as far as the Yenisei River
  • in Central Europe it grows in the Alps, Carpathians and mountains of Bulgaria
  • in Slovakia, it occurs in the High, Western and Low Tatras in the Ludárova Valley


  • it  grows on moist, acidic soils with a high skeleton content
  • occupies mainly karns, springs and open spaces in dwarf pine forests at altitudes from 1,320 to 1,850 m above the sea level in the subalpine to alpine zone


  • for shorter height and dark green glossy leaves it is used as an ornamental shrub in gardening
  • a legally protected species, probably an endangered taxon (EN?)
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