leaves are simple, elliptical to elongated-ovate (almost to elongated inverted-ovate), 3.5-8 x 1-3 cm in size
sparsely glandularly toothed along the edge (sometimes almost entirely, marginal)
dark green, glossy, grey-green to whitish on the underside
the veining is distinctly reticulate, the stalk is 7-10 mm long
the bracts are small, lanceolate, almost deciduous
dioecious tree species
blooms in V –VI
Fruits – seeds
the fruit is a capsule
seed - fluffy achene
Willow is naturally distributed in the northern part of the Eurasian continent, to the east as far as the Yenisei River
in Central Europe it grows in the Alps, Carpathians and mountains of Bulgaria
in Slovakia, it occurs in the High, Western and Low Tatras in the Ludárova Valley
it grows on moist, acidic soils with a high skeleton content
occupies mainly karns, springs and open spaces in dwarf pine forests at altitudes from 1,320 to 1,850 m above the sea level in the subalpine to alpine zone
for shorter height and dark green glossy leaves it is used as an ornamental shrub in gardening
a legally protected species, probably an endangered taxon (EN?)